Current members

Bush House, King's College London, October 2024.
Andrei Lascu, Edd Barrett, Jake Hughes, Laurence Tratt, Tom Wallis, Lukas Diekmann
Edd Barrett

Edd is a Research Fellow who, during his time in the team, has worked on:
language composition (mixing programming languages); rigorous benchmarking and
VM warmup; and most recently, a hardware-accelerated meta-tracer.
Before joining the team he worked in the field of reverse engineering and
abstract interpretation. Edd
is also an
OpenBSD developer.
Personal website)
Lukas Diekmann

Lukas is a Research Fellow working on a meta-tracing just-in-time compiler that
utilises hardware tracing technologies. Before moving back to compilers, he
worked on language composition, parsing, and syntax-directed editing.
Personal website)
Pavel Durov Economides

Pavel is a part-time PhD student and enthusiastic software engineer interested
in programming language implementation. He is currently exploring this domain.
Personal website)
Jake Hughes

Jake is a Research Associate working on bringing garbage collection (GC) to Rust with
a particular focus on some of the tricky implementation details (e.g. pointer identification,
safe finalization). He is also interested in Just-in-time compilation.
Andrei Lascu

Andrei is a Research Associate on the
project working on running VMs in the CHERI ecosystem. His interests include
testing techniques (e.g. metamorphic testing, fuzzing), and static analysis.
Joannah Nanjekye

Joannah Nanjekye is a PhD candidate at the university of New Brunswick in
Canada, collaborating on the language migration project as a research
associate. Her research is mainly on garbage collection, and related
optimizations for dynamic languages. She is also a Python core developer and
director (vice-chair) of the Python Software Foundation.
Laurence Tratt

Laurence leads the Software Development Team. His main research interests
surround programming languages and domain specific languages. He created the
Converge programming language which
allows syntactically distinct domain specific languages to be embedded in
normal program files and
compiled out
at compile-time. He has also
written several other open-source programs.
Personal website)
Tom Wallis

Tom is a research software engineer on the Chrompartments project, where he
works on hybrid CHERI compartmentalisation within V8. He is gearing up to
defend his PhD thesis, which applies aspect-oriented programming to simulation
and modelling codebases.