Robert Bartlensky

Robert is an intern with the Software Development Team interested in Operating
Systems and the Rust programming language. Robert is working on a Lua
interpreter written in Rust. When he is not programming, he enjoys transforming
Emacs into a Swiss Army knife.
Carl Friedrich Bolz

Carl Friedrich was a Research Associate on the
project. He is broadly interested in
the efficient implementation of dynamic programming languages. In 2005 he
started to contribute to the
project and subsequently became one of its core developers. He has been
involved in most areas of PyPy development, including RPython's tracing JIT
Personal website
Aleks Bonin

Aleks is a Research Assistant on the CapableVMs project where he is improving
the performance of VMs using CHERI.
Daniel Calleja

Daniel was an intern with the Software Development Team. He was working on
integrating Python's pdb debugger into the team's code editor. In his spare time
he enjoys working on making small games for phones/PCs.
Geoff French

Geoff was a Research Associate on the Editors project. His focus was primarily
on the visual aspects of mixed textual and non-textual editors, and tree-based
diffing. He
previously developed
The Larch
Personal website
Jasper Schulz

Jasper is a PhD student and is interested in the design and the implementation
of efficient virtual machines for programming languages.
Tom Fransham

Tom is a Research Associate on the "Faster real-world tracing JIT compilers"
project. He has many years experience of using and developing LuaJIT in a
variety of applications.
Gabriela-Alexandra Moldovan

Gabriela is an intern with the Software Development Team, a free software
enthusiast, and is interested in algorithm design and competitive programming.
Gabriela is working on a meta-tracing interpreter for a subset of C.
Sarah Mount

Sarah is a Research Associate on the Efficient Editing of Homogeneous Programs
(Editors4) project. Previously, she was a Senior Lecturer at the University of
Wolverhampton, and before that she held a number of positions at Coventry
Personal website
Giuseppe "Pino" De Ruvo

Pino is a Research Associate on the
CapableVMs project. Before joining the
team, he was an Innovation Manager and consultant helping startups building
MVPs and executing digital transformation; he also performed independent
research in Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), and Debugging. Until
2018, Pino was a Research Fellow at the University of Auckland where he worked
on SCAM and Model Checking.
Naveneetha Krishnan Vasudevan

Krishnan completed his PhD student on ambiguity heuristics in 2018.
Personal website