Faster real-world tracing JIT compilers expenses

Please read the motivation for, and explanation of expenses in the Software Development Team.


BudgetInitial valueLast statementCurrent balance
Faster real-world tracing JIT compilers::Equipment£2000.00£-939.59£-939.59
Faster real-world tracing JIT compilers::Travel£1500.00£1414.20£1414.20

See how to read the expenses to interpret the headings.

Detailed breakdown

Legend: = not submitted, = submitted, = reimbursed, = accounted

Benchmarking equipment (bencher9)
Reimbursed2017-11-13Dell R330£1249.99
Debit Faster real-world tracing JIT compilers::Equipment£1249.99
Reimbursed2017-09-18Interview travel expenses£85.80
Debit Faster real-world tracing JIT compilers::Travel£85.80
Reimbursed2017-09-18Dell BNX95603 laptop (T. Fransham)£1689.60
Debit Faster real-world tracing JIT compilers::Equipment£1689.60