Picking a CHERI Allocator: Security and Performance Considerations
Jacob Bramley, Dejice Jacob, Andrei Lascu, Jeremy Singer, Laurence Tratt
ISMM, June 2023
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Don't Panic! Better, Fewer, Syntax Errors for LR Parsers
Lukas Diekmann, Laurence Tratt
ECOOP, July 2020
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Default Disambiguation for Online Parsers
Lukas Diekmann, Laurence Tratt
SLE, October 2019
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Sound Gradual Typing: Only Mostly Dead
Spenser Bauman, Carl Friedrich Bolz, Jeremy Siek, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
OOPSLA, October 2017
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Virtual Machine Warmup Blows Hot and Cold Edd Barrett, Carl Friedrich Bolz, Rebecca Killick, Sarah Mount, Laurence Tratt OOPSLA, October 2017 |
Modelling Homogeneous Generative Meta-programming
Martin Berger, Laurence Tratt, Christian Urban
ECOOP, June 2017
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Record Data Structures in Racket: Usage Analysis and Optimization
Tobias Pape, Vasily Kirilichev, Carl Friedrich Bolz, Robert Hirschfeld
SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, January 2017
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Ten Simple Rules for Digital Data Storage Edmund Hart, Pauline Barmby, David LeBauer, François Michonneau, Sarah Mount, Patrick Mulrooney, Timothée Poisot, Kara H Woo, Naupaka Zimmerman, Jeffrey Hollister PLOS Computational Biology, October 2016 |
Fine-grained Language Composition: A Case Study
Edd Barrett, Carl Friedrich Bolz, Lukas Diekmann, Laurence Tratt
ECOOP 2016, July 2016
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Making an Embedded DBMS JIT-friendly
Carl Friedrich Bolz, Darya Kurilova, Laurence Tratt
ECOOP, July 2016
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Adaptive Just-in-time Value Class Optimization for Lowering Memory Consumption and Improving Execution Time Performance
Tobias Pape, Carl Friedrich Bolz, Robert Hirschfeld
Science of Computer Programming, June 2016
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An Experimental Search-based Approach to Cohesion Metric Evaluation
Mel Ó Cinnéide, Iman Hemati Moghadam, Mark Harman, Steven Counsell, Laurence Tratt
Empirical Software Engineering, March 2016
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Ten Simple Rules for Digital Data Storage Edmund Hart, Pauline Barmby, David LeBauer, François Michonneau, Sarah Mount, Patrick Mulrooney, Timothée Poisot, Kara H Woo, Naupaka Zimmerman, Jeffrey Hollister PeerJ PrePrints 3:e1804, October 2015 |
Evaluating and Comparing Language Workbenches
Sebastian Erdweg, Tijs van der Storm, Markus Völter, Laurence Tratt, Remi Bosman, William R Cook, Albert Gerritsen, Angelo Hulshout, Steven Kelly, Alex Loh, Gabriël Konat, Pedro J Molina, Martin Palatnik, Risto Pohjonen, Eugen Schindler, Klemens Schindler, Riccardo Solmi, Vlad Vergu, Eelco Visser, Kevin van der Vlist, Guido Wachsmuth, Jimi van der Woning
Computer Languages, Systems, and Structures, 44(A):24-47, August 2015
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Language-independent Storage Strategies for Tracing-JIT-based Virtual Machines
Tobias Pape, Tim Felgentreff, Robert Hirschfeld, Anton Gulenko, Carl Friedrich Bolz
DLS, August 2015
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Pycket: A Tracing JIT For a Functional Language
Spenser Bauman, Carl Friedrich Bolz, Robert Hirschfeld, Vasily Kirilichev, Tobias Pape, Jeremy Siek, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
ICFP 2015, August 2015
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Adaptive Just-in-time Value Class Optimization: Transparent Data Structure Inlining for Fast Execution
Carl Friedrich Bolz, Robert Hirschfeld, Tobias Pape
Object Oriented Programming Languages and Systems (OOPS), ACM SAC, April 2015
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Approaches to Interpreter Composition
Edd Barrett, Carl Friedrich Bolz, Laurence Tratt
Computer Languages, Systems, and Structures, March 2015
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Program Logics for Homogeneous Generative Run-Time Meta-Programming
Martin Berger, Laurence Tratt
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 11(1:5), March 2015
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The Impact of Meta-tracing on VM Design and Implementation
Carl Friedrich Bolz, Laurence Tratt
Science of Computer Programming, 98(3):408-421, February 2015
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Eco: A Language Composition Editor
Lukas Diekmann, Laurence Tratt
Software Language Engineering (SLE), pages 82-101, September 2014
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Meta-tracing Makes a Fast Racket
Carl Friedrich Bolz, Tobias Pape, Jeremy Siek, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
Dynamic Languages and Applications (Dyla), June 2014
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Detecting Ambiguity in Programming Language Grammars
Laurence Tratt, Naveneetha Vasudevan
Software Language Engineering (SLE), pages 157-176, October 2013
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Storage Strategies for Collections in Dynamically Typed Languages
Carl Friedrich Bolz, Lukas Diekmann, Laurence Tratt
Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA), pages 167-182, October 2013
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Unipycation: A Case Study in Cross-language Tracing
Edd Barrett, Carl Friedrich Bolz, Laurence Tratt
Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages (VMIL), October 2013
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Parsing Composed Grammars with Language Boxes
Lukas Diekmann, Laurence Tratt
Scalable Language Specification (SLS), June 2013
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